Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Church

Well Jason and I had our first "church" in Savannah.  For those of you who don't know, for church recently Jason and I have been getting some type of coffee and then doing the crossword puzzle together.  We enjoy the break from work and fast-paced life to think over crossword clues and enjoy the time together.  Sometimes we do the puzzle in bed and other times we do the puzzle in places like Barnes and Noble or parks.  This Sunday we got coffee at a neat local coffee shop called the Sentinal Bean at Forsyth Park.  This park is the largest in the city of Savannah and boasts the huge fountain that is so famous in the book and movie of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil."  So after our coffee (and Espresso coffee cake and warmed up strawberry scone) we took a tour of Forsyth park to see the beautiful trees, row houses, and of course THE fountain.
We then decided that we HAD to walk all the way down Bull St. to eat some ice cream at Bull St. Ice cream shop, but after 20 mins of walking, they were closed.... bummer.  By now we are both sweating literally out of our eyeballs and wondering how anyone ever looks nice in Savannah.  However, Jason was so pleased that along the way we ran into a Segue (sp?) tour...

I don't think I could ever feel cool touring a city like that.  I was also pleased because we finally ran into the pretty church that I always see from a distance while driving around downtown but never seem to find while driving around.
After walking back to our car I was so happy to find some air conditioning!! We drove home and hit the pool for a while before it started storming.  As for our eventful Sunday evening, we made turkey dogs and mac and cheese and watched TV while Jason ironed.  Ain't life great! Oh, and we almost, almost! finished the crossword later that night before falling asleep in bed. Maybe one weekend we will finish one?


  1. Cam and I do a version of this too! Such a great way to spend a Sunday morning.
