Monday, July 19, 2010

Mrs. Smith

Well after sitting in the Social Security office for about an hour.... it is official! I am now Mrs. Smith!  I tried to also go get a new Georgia ID but their DMV is closed on Mondays (wonder if they are hiring?).  Couldn't have been a more perfect day to change my name because today is Jason and I's first monthaversiary.  When I came home he surprised me with a card and...
Wonder how long before I kill this plant?  Hopefully I can make it last!! Jason even gave me instructions on how to water and take care of the beautiful orchid.  I have such an amazing husband who takes care of me and is understanding of the rollercoaster I have been on since we moved.  I feel that the designers on HGTV would very much approve of this accent orchid- good work Jase!
We worked hard on cleaning up a bit yesterday so here are a couple of pics of our dining room now that we have unpacked a bit (please note all the wedding gifts on display):

Still needs a little more decorating, but it is coming together!
On Mondays the pool is also closed (as is the public library) so I feel like I am limited in my option of activities.  I did bunches of reading today and have started a new series that I really like.  The book is called One for the Money and it is by Janet Evanovich.  It is about a girl who is out of a job and money and turns to her cousin Vinnie and ends up becoming a bounty hunter.  I can relate to her situation and the book is a riot to far.  Let's hope I am not hunting down criminals by September!!


  1. How can the pool be closed on Mondays? Love the orchid! I want one. You may have inspired me just to go buy one. :) The apartment looks like it's coming together nicely!

  2. the apartment looks like it is coming together well. i am very impressed. love the orchid. my plant of 2 years i got in the hospital is still alive, i love your orchid. did you read this charles. of course my hubby is also good to me.

  3. Mom, if I had to guess, you are trying to hint at something to Charles...
    Hey guys! The apartment is looking great! I remember those days of getting a place together... Oh wait..I still am!! Can you tell I like to put "..." when I am typing? I think it helps to add a lot of emphasis to what I am saying. Jenny, I am feeling your pain right now. I love summers off but at the same time I hate them. My highlight for today is to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to look for new bath mats. Doesn't that sound like fun? I hope I find some good ones! I might even go by Barnes and Noble while I am over there because I have a gift certificate I need to use. Hmmmm what to buy? What to buy? At least I will be heading to Chicago in a few days! Yay! Hope you guys are doing well and that you enjoy my long comments because that will probably happen quite often. And Jason: Jenny is beating you big time on the posts! You better step it up!

  4. i love the post...but u know what is missing a blog from lauren/alan...what is that all about...thank goodness 4 fb glad that jenny/jason r falling n laurina/doug footsteps w/a always, aunt michelle
