Friday, July 9, 2010

Heat and Book Clubs

I have officially unpacked all the cool stuff in our house and am now left with the blah junk boxes that we shouldn't have kept but can't throw away and have no room for.  Eeeek.  Jason finally worked on his clothes today and discovered we had an entire box of hangers and another entire box of his socks that did not have any matches.  Super Great!  I found a big box of garden flags (no yard anymore) and more and even more holiday decorations.... I mean how MUCH can we celebrate!?!
Mom says it is also hot in NC so this probably won't evoke much sympathy from my NC readers, but today the car temperature reads 111 in Jason's car.  Inside our apartment, despite the air running, the thermostat still reads 81 and I am sitting very still after my shower hoping I don't start sweating again.  We did put up our dark curtains in the back bedroom and asked the apartment people if it was normal for our air to keep running all the time and never really cool down and they said "Duh?, It is summer and you are in Savannah on the top floor... stupid idiots"  It does reach a very comfy 76 at night so we can sleep ;)
For those of you who have been asking about my job, the interview I had scheduled in Hilton Head was cancelled and I have not heard back from any teaching prospects and no new postings have been up.  I thought something promising was happening at the hospital where Jason works because a recruiter called me last week before Mere and John's wedding about forwarding my applications on to the hiring managers for a couple of jobs I applied for there- (I got our friend Josh to work his magic in HR).  But still no calls for interviews.  Poor Jason goes up to HR there pretty often throwing my name around.  If nothing full time opens up in the next couple of weeks I will apply at part time places like Starbucks and grocery stores I guess.  Most of the temp agencies around here focus on industrial jobs but there is one that could be a possibilty also.  So that is all the news I have!!!!!
Tonight for my big Friday night I am going to rent a movie and keep plugging away at my 2 books for book club.  I am reading Pretty in Plaid by Jen Lancaster and Savannah Blues by Mary Kay Andrews.  Both have been great, but Pretty in Plaid is HI-LAR-IOUS!  It is this girl's memiors of growing up in the 80's and so far her thoughts on the girl scouts have had me rolling. 


  1. glad u guys r moved n y have i not known a/b this blog b/f now...guess u shud have posted it on fb sooner...i have added it 2 my list 2 ck...u know i ck the blog 4 pic's from laurina everyday...she has been slacker due 2 the move always, aunt michelle

  2. Love love love Jen Lancaster! Her other books are laugh-out-loud as well! Glad you're unpacked, but bummer about the jobs. I'll keep my fingers crossed that something turns up soon.

  3. I may have to read that one, I am thinking about you guys a lot and how hard the move must be on you Jenny, I remember crying every weekend I left to go back to Durham and laurina said she used to lay in the floor in new Bern and cry, it really does get easier.
