Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hot Hot Hot!

Well, we got our first AC Bill this week and to cool our small apartment for 16 days it cost $98.00!  And we keep the thermostat on 75.  Needless to say I have not raised it up to a comfy 80 and sitting practically naked while typing this. (just kidding- kinda).  Jason asked people at work and he says this is pretty normal, that people pay almost $200 a month for electric because the power company charge more in the summer. YAY! 
Can't wait until the fall (in Feb!)
We are getting excited about traveling to the beach next week for a long weekend.  We have not been to EI at the beach house all summer despite having our wedding there so that will be nice, especially to use our beach bikes and eat at the Sweet Spot and swim in a clear ocean.
I applied for 14 jobs today.  Teller jobs and Call Center jobs with BB&T, Bank of America, and Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union.  (Suntrust last week never called and Wachovia has no openings.)  I also applied for another job in customer service at Memorial Health and then I applied for 5 jobs at St. Joseph's/Candler Hospital in Patient Registation and Unit Secretaries.  We will see!?
I really thought I had a lead at Groves High School here in Savannah (the only History opening) because I got an email from a principal, but when I responded back she has never gotten back to schedule an interview.  Months of this and I still have not had one interview.  I swear if they just meet me and this awesome new haircut I have, I can sell them into giving me a job!  I wish I had the vampire power of glamouring, then I could surely have a job!  I already have a good tan!
Anywho- so this week I am taking votes on what I should cook for Sunday night dinner?  It is my turn and I need something budget friendly and easy on the cooking skills- Suggestions?


  1. If they could only see your cute haircut, they WOULD hire you! :) We missed you guys tonight! Wish you could have been there with us to celebrate my bday.
    Okay dinner suggestions. Here's a website I love to get recipes from. She takes pictures of each step!

    If I think of some easy recipes, I'll send them your way. Classic ones I use are Spring Vegetable Pie (like a spinach quiche) and chicken marinated in italian dressing coated in parmesan and baked. SO EASY yet SO YUMMY!

  2. I am a terrible cook. But I do cook a couple of things and a few are good. Here's a good and easy one -
    Fettucini Alfredo with Chicken
    Cook your chicken, Your noodles, and your sauce. Noodles go on bottom, then sauce, then chicken - then mix!
    Sauce: one carton of heavy whipping cream (it's near the milk in the grocery store - I had to ask the first time), half a stick of butter, and a cup of parmesean cheese.

    Easy, peasy!
    Noodles you can get for $1 if you catch them on sale, and I buy the boneless skinless chicken breast when it goes BOGO and stock some back in the freezer. However, if you don't have any then split chicken breast is 99 cents a pound at HT this week - you'll just have to pick it off the bone (booooo).

    Good luck!

  3. i do like your really cute hair cut. my mind is empty i think tired and nothing will come to it for a dinner suggestion, i like someone to give me the menu for me to cook.
