I will do this post in chronological order (and list form because I LOVE lists) because I have too much to update and I don't want to do multiple posts...
1. Book Club: I met some very nice girls and found that it was great to have adult female conversations! Some are transplants like me and some are much more acquainted with the area. I look forward to our future meetings, and hanging out with some of the girls in settings other than Book Club!
2. Job Search: No real updates.... Posted for a teaching job in Jasper, SC but haven't heard anything back. Got a no from Books a Million and one Publix grocery store in town.
3. TRUE BLOOD: as a present Jason ordered HBO which includes on demand so now I am almost up to date on my most favorite show and book series! Almost the happiest news of my week!
4. Tybee Island: We had another beach day this weekend and of course had fun people watching. This time instead of precious children running around we were given a wonderful redneck family who had some umbrella trouble. But as seen in the pictures below, they devised a brillant way of rigging the umbrella through the cupholder of their chair before securing it by tying it with their shoe to their chair- (or you could just have gramps hold it)...why didn't WE think of this last week!?!

Another bit of Tybee Adventure was the number of rescues we got to see! Now nothing will ever compare to Lifeguard Luke from last summer, but honestly we were almost scared to go into the water. We saw 4 saves within the first 45 mins of our arrival. And then spent the rest of our afternoon watching the reality TV show Tybee Rescue. The waves were pretty intense (and jellies) as were the rip currents. We only braved the water once and I came out without my hairband, hairtie, and a whole bunch more sand in my bathing suit.

Where are the lifeguards?? Oh, saving someone!
5. Date Night!: So for our date night we picked our favorite (Mexican) and decided on a place called Carlitos that people from Jason's work had suggested. As you can see from Jason's picture the food was very good. After dinner we went to another place for dessert called Lulu's Chocolate Bar which serves handmade cakes, brownies, truffles, cheesecakes, etc. as well as specialty martinis and other drinks. One piece of chocolate cake with strawberry buttercream icing, Irish coffee, and champagne and we were some VERY happy customers! I know where we will be taking some visitors!!!
6. Humidity: Lastly, we have finally captured what happens every time Jason walks in and out of our apartment or an air conditioned place- his glasses fog up (my sunglasses do too). Even at 10 pm at night, the humidity is still laying on think like a wet blanket! Gotta love Savannah!